The Spanish Subjunctive Explained: How the Subjunctive Works Plus a Mnemonic Trick to Help you Remember When to Use It (The W.E.I.R.D.O. System)

The Spanish Subjunctive Explained: How the Subjunctive Works Plus a Mnemonic Trick to Help you Remember When to Use It (The W.E.I.R.D.O. System)

I couldn't find a picture that related to what I was writing about (I always try to do that), in this case the Spanish subjunctive, so here's a picture of my idea for an anti-gravity device based on a cat with some buttered toast on its head - what do you think? The...

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Friday Linkfest July 9th, 2020: A pedantic Spanish journalist, a great YouTube channel to learn Spanish, a free site that helps you learn languages from music videos, and more!

And here is the latest installment of Friday Linkfest where I just post a few links to resources I think will help you learn Spanish or languages in general along with a short description.  If you have any suggestions for next Friday's post please shoot me an email...

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Spanish Study Abroad (learning Spanish in Spain, Mexico, etc.)? You probably don’t want to do that…

Spanish Study Abroad (learning Spanish in Spain, Mexico, etc.)? You probably don’t want to do that…

I get the appeal: sounds like fun, makes sense on the surface, get a little cultured, get a little drunk, catch of a bit of clap, come back home fluent in Spanish.  However, it usually doesn't work like that (fun-drinking-STDs yes, fluent in Spanish, no).  I say this...

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Spanish Lessons from YouTube Videos #2: “Reglas de Comportamiento en Alemania” by Mariebelle TV

Spanish Lessons from YouTube Videos #2: “Reglas de Comportamiento en Alemania” by Mariebelle TV

In this series of articles I call, Spanish Lessons from YouTube Videos, I take a video, typically something made by and for native speakers (not a Spanish lesson), and then use it to teach you a bit of the Spanish they use (words, phrases, expressions, grammar,...

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Spanish Lessons from YouTube Videos #1: “Tipos de Hermanos” by Videópatas

Spanish Lessons from YouTube Videos #1: “Tipos de Hermanos” by Videópatas

This is by one of several YouTube channels I'm subscribed to which is in Spanish and intended for Spanish speakers (it's not intended for non-native students so they speak at a normal rate and don't explain the language they're using).  It's a comedy sketch channel...

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A YouTube Channel You Should Check Out if You’re Learning Spanish: Spanishland School

I thought I'd do something a bit shorter today, especially since I've got another post scheduled to come out in a couple hours (I use a short comedy sketch on YouTube to teach you some Spanish, definitely keep an eye out for it!), so I'm going to briefly recommend you...

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How to Pronounce Words in Spanish: Here’s Every Word/Phrase in Existence Pronounced by a Native, and You Can Download It (all for free)

How to Pronounce Words in Spanish: Here’s Every Word/Phrase in Existence Pronounced by a Native, and You Can Download It (all for free)

Go to, instructions on how to use it follow Ok, so that's the site you want (image on the left links to it or just click here) and here I'll briefly show you how you can download the audio files and then use them to make electronic flashcards (with a program...

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How to Vary Your Language-Learning Activities: You Don’t Want to Always Do The Most Effective Thing

How to Vary Your Language-Learning Activities: You Don’t Want to Always Do The Most Effective Thing

Don't do this: it's unnecessary, unpleasant, and not even the best way Shortly after beginning to learn a language for the first time (few weeks, couple of months, something like that), you'll figure out which of the activites you've been doing yields the best result...

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When to Say “Yo” (“I”) in Spanish (and Why Native Speakers Almost Never Do)

When to Say “Yo” (“I”) in Spanish (and Why Native Speakers Almost Never Do)

Why It's for the same reason you can just point at a cow and say "Cow!" instead of "There is a cow over there and I want you to look at it!".  It's for the same reason that when someone asks you if you would like fries with that you can just say "Yes, please" and not...

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The Telenovela Method 2nd Edition – How to Learn Spanish Using TV, Movies, Books, Comics, And More


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