Learn Spanish for Real #6: “Estar en el quinto pino” / “Donde Cristo perdió la zapatilla”

Learn Spanish for Real #6: “Estar en el quinto pino” / “Donde Cristo perdió la zapatilla”

It's two-for-one day here on How to Learn Spanish! We're going to cover two phrases in one Learn Spanish for Real post, primarily because they both mean the same thing: something is really far away. For the curious, this is from the Sochi Winter Olympics,...

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Learn Spanish for Real #4: “Cogerse un cabreo de cojones” | Slang, Expressions, and Curse Words

Learn Spanish for Real #4: “Cogerse un cabreo de cojones” | Slang, Expressions, and Curse Words

Have you ever heard the expression "throw a shit-fit"? Well, regardless, you do now know how to say that in Spanish! ...and apparently it's available in t-shirt format, as you can see there on the left (that's what "cabreo de cojones" yielded on Google...

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I’m going to Spain!

I’m going to Spain!

I have bought the tickets, booked the apartment (and paid the first month's rent), bought the necessary luggage, and I'm about to buy some train tickets to get from the airport in Barcelona where I'm arriving to the city where I'm staying for two months, which is......

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Learn Spanish for Real #3: “Llorar como una magdalena” – from Spain! | Slang, Expressions, and Curse Words

Learn Spanish for Real #3: “Llorar como una magdalena” – from Spain! | Slang, Expressions, and Curse Words

Real quick I just thought I'd share with you an interesting new expression I learned today from one of my Spanish tutors, Silvia (she's very good, check her out if you're in the market!), when I realized it would make a great 3rd installment in our Learn...

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Another Advantage of a Tutor: MUCH Faster Error-Correction Rate Than Anything Else I’ve Experienced (which means you LEARN faster than anywhere else)

Another Advantage of a Tutor: MUCH Faster Error-Correction Rate Than Anything Else I’ve Experienced (which means you LEARN faster than anywhere else)

This is a repost from my German blog here, I'm posting all articles about the iTalki 2015 Language Challenge on both blogs. As I'm fond of saying: You learn to speak a language by trying to speak it, poorly at first. What this means is that you learn by...

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Learn Spanish

The Telenovela Method 2nd Edition – How to Learn Spanish Using TV, Movies, Books, Comics, And More


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