by Andrew | Dec 11, 2010 | Basic Spanish Grammar Rules: Lessons & Explanations, Popular, Short Spanish Lessons, Spanish
I couldn’t find a picture that related to what I was writing about (I always try to do that), in this case the Spanish subjunctive, so here’s a picture of my idea for an anti-gravity device based on a cat with some buttered toast on its head – what... Read more
by Andrew | Dec 11, 2010 | Learn Spanish from Music Videos, Spanish
And now we get to the second installment of our “learning Spanish from music videos” thing I’m doing based roughly on The Telenovela Method where we use popular entertainment media like music, TV shows, and movies to learn Spanish. The first... Read more
by Andrew | Dec 1, 2010 | General Language-Learning, Spanish
I just saw this via Ramses’s twitter feed and although I could’ve just retweeted it I felt compelled to at least make some short comments on it that would be too long for twitter, so I’m turning it into a short blog post. What I’m referring to... Read more
by Andrew | Nov 18, 2010 | General Language-Learning, Miscellaneous, Spanish
So I was in the process of going through a Notes in Spanish lesson (which I highly recommend, the audio is free, start at the beginner’s level, honestly no, you don’t need the worksheets) when I came across the term “túnel” which I presumed to... Read more
by Andrew | Nov 15, 2010 | General Language-Learning, Spanish
Spoken or written with ease That’s the primary definition in the dictionary for the word “fluent”, and you know what: that’s the only thing that the word “fluent” absolutely, definitely means regardless of who you’re talking... Read more
by Andrew | Nov 7, 2010 | Learn Spanish from Music Videos, Spanish
One of the best possible ways to learn Spanish is to use Spanish-language popular media (TV shows, music, movies, etc.) that you actually enjoy (really important here) and/or are interested in, because it does wonders for your focus, concentration, attention to... Read more
by Andrew | Nov 3, 2010 | Spanish
This simple, easy-to-learn secret that even the most linguistically-challenged can master literally overnight is used by many of the most respected and skilled polyglots and language teachers in the world, and it’s never really been laid out, explained, and... Read more
by Andrew | Oct 18, 2010 | General Language-Learning, Spanish
The hardest part about learning your first language is figuring out what precisely to do, where to begin, coming up with a plan, a course of study for yourself–what to do, and what order to do it in. This is one of those personal preference things, it really is:... Read more
by Andrew | Sep 16, 2010 | General Language-Learning, Miscellaneous
1. When you’re looking for a book on Amazon about a language that you’re currently interested in and you check out the ”Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” section and realize that you own almost every single book in those 10-15 pages :/ 2. When... Read more
by Andrew | Sep 11, 2010 | General Language-Learning, Spanish
A Scriptorium (which literally means “a place for writing”) is a room in medieval European monasteries devoted to the copying of manuscripts by monastic scribes. I’d like to share with you a language-learning technique that is not something I would... Read more
by Andrew | Aug 27, 2010 | Popular, Spanish, Telenovela Method
Today I’m going to give you a list of my favorite websites that you can use to help you learn Spanish via watching television in Spanish (news, shows, telenovelas, whatever), almost all of which are entirely free. I’ve divided it up alphabetically by... Read more
by Andrew | Aug 27, 2010 | Spanish
Embarazada. Ohhh how much you look like “embarrassed”, embarazada. Any English-speaker would look at that word and immediately, and for obvious and perfectly logical reasons, guess that it means “embarrassed”. Most times if a Spanish word... Read more