Short Spanish Lesson #3 quiz. by Andrew | Jul 3, 2020 | 0 comments Welcome to your Short Spanish Lesson #3 quiz. 1. "Se debe a" means what? To owe somebody something, usually money. To have work due at a certain date or deadline. To be due to, that is to be caused by something that follows the phrase. To be obligated to do something. None 2. "La pérdida" means "The %BLANK%". loss Loss loss. Loss. None 3. From the phrase in the news broadcast above, when she says, "...que abarca, dice, diferentes aspectos.", the word, "abarca", in this context means what? Cancel or repeal. Cover. Confirm. Support. None Time's up ← Previous Post "Tipos de Hermanos" Quiz. Next Post → Short Spanish Lesson #2 quiz.