Prado Museum quiz. by Andrew | Jul 13, 2020 | 0 comments Welcome to your Prado Museum quiz. 1. The way you say "to meet someone" in Spanish is what? meterse con hacer un mitin con encontrarse con matar a None 2. The way you say "face to face" in Spanish is . 3. "Un lujo" is a... Lugi. Yuck. Loophole. Luxury. Laugh, a joke. None 4. One of the many possible meansings of "vamos" is... Let's vacuum! Come on... Wammo! Vampire None 5. The word for "work", as in "a work of art", is . 6. When they say, "La Maja Desnuda de Goya es una de las obras maestras que el Museo del Prado ha sacado de nuevo a las calles…", they're saying that the Prado Museum has done what with La Maja Desnuda? Restored it. Brought it out to the streets again. Placed it in a burlap sack. Dropped it on the street while transporting it. Placed it in a window facing the street. None 7. The word in Spanish, "riqueza", means . 8. How do you say "with regards to", in Spanish? en cuanto en cuanto a con regardes a con regañadientes a None 9. The way you say "therefore" or "because of that" in Spanish is... por culpa de por eso por qué para que None 10. If "el visitante podrá ver", the "visitante" (visitor)... will be able to see was able to see would have been able to see will be able to verify will be able to go None 11. The way you say "theme" in Spanish is . 12. What does "patrimonio" mean? Heritage Fatherhood Marriage A male monkey. None 13. Fill in the blank: "Obras que permiten nuestra historia, y el arte occidental." 14. "Occidental" is a means... Accidental Obvious Western Dental Onyx None 15. Look at the following phrase:"…con una calidad que nos permite situarnos frente de estas obras y observar cada uno de sus detalles como si estuviéramos en el propio Museo del Prado"What does "como si estuviéramos" mean here? how you study as if we were as if you were as if they were how if we were studying None 16. In this phrase:"…con una calidad que nos permite situarnos frente de estas obras y observar cada uno de sus detalles como si estuviéramos en el propio Museo del Prado"What does "situarnos frente de" mean? Situate/place ourselves in front of Put ourselves in a frantic state Situate ourselves in Frente (a city in Spain) Sit down on the bench Make ourselves frozen None Time's up ← Previous Post "The National Gallery Reopens" quiz.